9 abr 2009

- Reseña de LUN a DBE -

Nunca pensé que estaría de acuerdo con Las Últimas Noticias (periódico chileno), pero si que tiene razón.

It's Incredible how james wong (the one, final destination), wastes every possibility to translate a manga to the big screen. 
The "DBE" on-screen display has no relation at all with the source material, hollowing something that was deeper, paralyzing something dynamic, and making boring something highly entertaining. Goku worries more about flirt with girls than fighting and eating.
This leaves us feeling that not only the Main Char has changed, but also the whole series; and that wong didn't even know what it has between his hands.
A long wait, but not worthy.
Maybe next time.

4 abr 2009

Facts about the movie

When you watch a movie, there's no warranty of satisfaction. you give your money, and if you don't like it, just a very few theaters allows you to get your money back.
That's why i watched before thanks to the internet.
A few points:

- Gokú tries to be cool, wants to flirt with girls, he tries to CHEAT, and disrespects his Grandfather Gohan. That's Goku in the movie.
- Piccollo speaks like 6 times, only a few weak words. His sidekick Mai has more screentime than him.
- Bulma looks like a hooker.
- Ki Blasts look like puffs of smoke.
- Characters just appear, things happen, but nothing is explained. Things just happen and everyone just do their parts without any reason at all.
- the kame hame ha is ridiculous.
- there are 3 nice jokes in the movie.
- Shen long doesn't speak, it's like 6 mts long (i think that's like 30-40 ft. long?), and looks like a chameleon.

YOU'RE GONNA REGRET IT! and worse, you'll be financing a possible sequel.

10 mar 2009

- Roshi vs Goku - Pelea Mula

this sucks. this REALLYS sucks. It hurts my stomach.

14 dic 2008

- Official Trailer and Youtube comments -

Algo interesante para ver, en el trailer de youtube con más visitas (+ 1 millón), las críticas son una abrumadora mayoría! tanto en inglés como español. ¿No se supone que los gringos apoyaban la película? al parecer los que critican ahora son todas las personas que no estaban pendientes al 100% del desarrollo de esta película y el trailer es lo primero que han visto.
O será que todo el apoyo incondicional en los foros gringos no haya sido en parte, más que spam de los productores del film?
en fin, acá el trailer más visto
para que comenten.
Something interesting: in the youtube trailer with the most views (+1 mill), the bashing of the movie is a vast majority among the comments. At first, we thought that in USA, most of the people supported the movie, but now it seems that everyone notices that this film is going to be a failure, as an adaptation and as a movie.
Maybe all that overwhelming support from other forums was, in part, nothing more than fake spammers hired by FOX or something?
anyway, here is the trailer with +1m views.

9 dic 2008



4 dic 2008


It seems to me like really bad simptoms. Trailer is delayed again, the movie itself has been delayed before, the lack of stunning images for publicity, and now maybe a change in the name: "Dragonball Evolution".
It looks like there were still two years before releasing this movie! Like if they were just starting to film.
What the heck, Fox?
a mi me parecen re malos síntomas los atrasos del trailer, de la película, la falta de material visual publicitario, y ahora un posible cambio de nombre :"Dragonball Evolution".
Pareciera como que faltara todavía un año y medio para que se estrenara! como si recién estuvieran empezando a filmar.
¿Que onda, fox?

More news at:


If you are OK with adaptations like this, or like the Mario Bros and Street Fighter movies; just go to the theater and watch Dragon Ball.
Some of us think that, with today's technology, Movies adapted from Videogames, Cartoons or Comics can be a LOT more faithful to the source material and A LOT MORE creative than what we have seen. And because of that, some of use are gonna TRY, at least, to boicot this movie. Maybe we're gonna be 10 people. Maybe 100, let alone 1000. But if somehow we can get over nine thousand people to NOT BUY ANYTHING related to THIS MOVIE, we can, we could, start something.
Si te gusta este tipo de adaptaciones, o como la película de Mario Bros o de Street Fighter; entonces bien, anda al cine tranquilo a ver Dragon Ball.
Algunos creemos que, con la tecnología actual, las películas adaptadas de Videojuegos, Dibujos animados o Cómics, pueden ser MUCHO MÁS fieles al original, y MUCHO MÁS creativas que lo que hemos visto hasta ahora. Y por eso, algunos vamos a TRATAR aunque sea, de boicotear esta película. Quizás seremos 10 pelagatos. Quizás 100, ojalá 1000. Pero si de alguna forma logramos que más de nuevemil personas NO COMPREN NADA relacionado con ESTA PELÍCULA, podríamos, quizás, comenzar algo.